Inclusive Urbanity

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Through the City and County of Denver’s on-call agreement with studiotrope, we were commissioned to design a new home for a permanent, prefabricated restroom at the intersection of 16th and Champa. The accessible, self-cleaning unit is wrapped in a custom graphic designed by studiotrope (based on existing Denver branding) and is enhanced with new landscape design in the immediate vicinity.

The restroom includes an attendant station for on-site monitoring. The site will include a micro-mobility hub for bikes and scooters, as well as seating along the planting areas. The landscape will be comprised of drought-tolerant, native plants and the hardscape, and two brightly colored sunshades will help pedestrians with wayfinding to the restrooms.

Rendering of side and front of restroom Rendering of surrounding site and context Rendering of restroom at night, lit from ground level Restroom unit ready for transport

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